All requests to add a new investigator should be made by the PI of the project team. Requests should not be made by co-Is.
When adding an investigator (new co-I, student, etc.) to a GBT project the new investigator must first be in the DSS data base. In order to do this the new invetigator must create an account with the NRAO Proposal Submission Tool (PST) at
Then the new investigator should log into the PST at https:/ Once they have logged into the PST they should then log into the GBT Dynamic Scheduling System (DSS) at
using the same username and password as their PST account. At this point Toney Minter (tminter -at- should be notified of the new investigator's name and the project to which they should be added.
Adding an investigator to a GBT project in the Dynamic Scheduling System (DSS) - Knowledgebase / GBT - NRAO Science Helpdesk
Adding an investigator to a GBT project in the Dynamic Scheduling System (DSS)
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- Last updated: May 3, 2021 by Toney Minter